steinieland news & events


The July/August 2012 edition of the bimonthly Grand GTRs magazine (Germany) features part two of an article series about Steinberger guitars. The article was written by Tom Schweitzer and Bernd Meissner. Part 2 contains the the Newburgh and Nashville era and all the guitars with bolt-on necks. One more part of this article will follow with the next magazine edition.

grand gtrs Magazine (Germany)


News regarding Steinberger instruments may be a rare event, but sometimes they happen… :-)

Part 2 of the Steinberger story, in the "Rare & Vintage" section of the magazine.

Pics like these were taken by Andreas Huthansl in the Grand GTRs photo studio, some of them have been (and and others will be) used for this and the upcoming article(s).